Monday, December 24, 2012

New Tool for businesses that outsource their article/blog writing

Just found an outstanding new tool for those of you who outsource your writing for your website, blog, newsletters, or any other form of written communications.  This is such a valuable tool for your business, I had to share my "find" with all of you immediately.

Manage your article writers with ease!

Efficient article and writer management - without the headaches!

Watch Demo Video
If you outsource your article writing, you've probably discovered that managing all of your writers can take just as much time as writing the articles yourself! Now with the online article writer management system from Write Aid, you will find that you can effortlessly manage and easily keep track all your writers with less time and maximum efficiency.

In fact, we
guaranteethat you and your writers will each save hours of management time and unnecessary work every month just by using our system. How much is your time worth?
If you sign up now, they are offering a FREE 30 day trial of this new tool.
Here is the link to get started: 
Article Writer Management System
Let me know what you think,

Fantastic Tool for staying organized, best's FREE!!!

TeuxDeux is a simple, designy to-do app and the first collaboration between studiomatesswissmissand Fictive Kin. If you like making to-do lists, you will love TeuxDeux. The idea was to build a bare-bones, but visually compelling and highly usable to-do app: Use the free browser-based TeuxDeux at work/home and then take your to-dos on the road with the iPhone app. Yay for checking things off!

Link to sign up for FREE - Free To-Do list app for staying on top of things!
* this is NOT an affiliate link

Enjoy this new tool for being more productive in your personal and business life,

How To Organize your Endless Ideas

Monday, December 24, 2012

How Entrepreneurs Can Organize Ideas

This blog post was helpful to me since I tend to come up with "lots" of ideas but usually can't find them on paper when I need the other day I was looking online for Organizing tips for business owners/entrepreneurs and I came across this post about the very thing I need some help with...

Here is the post, I hope you find it as useful as I did:


How Entrepreneurs Can Organize Endless Ideas

Many of my clients are entrepreneurs. By nature, these folks are ‘quick starters’ and very high energy people who LOVE the excitement of hopping from task to task. As such – they LOVE to start… but hate to finish (BORING!)
So – here is a cool technique to help you stay true to your natural style, and get organized while avoiding boredom.
If you look around your office and see lots of incomplete tasks that make you think: “Oh yeah, I was going to do ….” you are likely what I refer to as a hopper! Hoppers move around a lot and hop from task to task. They love to call themselves multi-taskers… but most often this is a nice word for incompleter’s. Hoppers struggle with finalizing, sticking to task, and completing things. If this is you, and you have an office that is out of control, here’s a trick to help you get organized and maintain your sanity while doing so.

Big Picture Planning – Get Sane

With so many mini projects going at once, I suggest you do this:
1. Get a pad of post its (extra stickies work best for this task)
2. Write out ALL your current projects/tasks – everything you need to create, write, participate in, or complete. Write 1 item per post it note
3. Find a usable wall space – take your pad of ideas and stick each on your wall in no order.
4. Sort tasks into like categories – so you can create the categories that make sense to you…
This really is a ‘feel your way’ kind of exercise. Since everyone’s brain works differently, categories may be very different for different people. Sometimes post it’s move into ‘time’ categories – as in, when I am going to do this??, Sometimes they work into different categories because of how your brain groups info. Regardless – put them into categories that make sense to you – and leave them on the wall… With that constant reminder, you’re able to see the ‘landscape’ of your ideas and activities and take action one by one on the tasks you feel most like doing at any given time. It’s a great way to ride the wave of your different energy throughout the days and will really help you avoid procrastination. Something about having them on the wall gives you fluidity and freedom that doesn’t seem to happen with a static list.
5. Eliminate as you go – when you complete each task – rip the post-it off the wall.
6. Celebrate – do a happy dance when you complete each one…
Please do yourself a favor and pace yourself… you need to get through all of your incompletes… By pacing yourself, you’ll be more likely to finish the marathon without pooping out.
Big Picture planning works – especially for us sparky creatives!!! Visual reminders help keep our sparky energy firing! Try it… AND – LET ME KNOW of you’ve been successful by sharing your comments or ideas below!
Need more help getting systems in place? I can help you! I have several coaching packages designed around the busy entrepreneur’s schedule and style. Invest in the coaching package you need – packages are available for every budget that can help you work out your systems and unique routines to get your business back under control!

Copyright 2011-2012: Cena Block / Sane Spaces, LLC. Cena Block is the Mom-Preneur Clarity Catalyst, author of Getting It All Done and Time To Toss It, and creator of the Coaching Programs: AWAKE Manage Your Time to Love Your Life, ASPIRE to Get Organized & Sane, and Being AWESOME: Re-connecting, Rejuvenating and Re-launching Mom. Cena presents signature workshops and privately coaches mompreneurs and moms-on-pause to create sanity through managing their time, clearing their spaces, creating efficient systems, understanding themselves, and getting the support they need for their own success. Her Slice of Sanity eZine gives subscribers ideas and inspiration to get clear, take action in their businesses, and start living their lives on purpose.

If you are ready to get sane, you can
click here to sign up for a F.R.E.E. e-zine subscription to Slice of Sanity.

Like what you see? Want to help others get sane? Don't be shy... shout it from the rooftops. All you have to do is click on the icons above to share it with your circle! It's SOOOO sane!

Subscribe to Cena's RSS Feed

Home Office Solutions For Mompreneurs

This is a post I found on a fellow bloggers site and wanted to share this with you "Mompreneurs" out there.  Hopefully you will find it helpful and you will be able to use the organizational information, I sure did!

Here is the article:


5 Tricks To Make Your Home Office Workspace Work for You


Did you know that mompreneurs are growing at a rate of 23% annually?

And, did you also know that 94% of those mompreneurs work from a home office?
If you run your business from an ‘at home’ location, you need to create an environment that works for you!
Here’s the biggest secret that all professional organizers know, that you may not:
There is not a “correct” way to set up your workspace.
No, really – that is the truth…
The best workspace is one that:
  • best supports the type of work you do,
  • has the appropriate tools you need to be successful,
  • is set up in an efficient, productive and supportive way for your style. and available where you need them
An organized office is defined as: knowing what you have, having what you need, and knowing where to find things when you need them. It is NOT a clear surface, with all paperwork hidden away in drawers with alphabetized files. If you like to see things out, you need to create organizing and retrieval systems that are easy to see. You may prefer an organizer on top of your desk with colored files that you can see all the time!
Here are five tricks to make sure your home office space is working for you.

Create a Real Work Location

Many home-based businesses start small, and work space is often an afterthought. But when your business starts to grow you quickly realize the inconveniences to your original set up when you begin experiencing ‘pain’ in terms of breakdowns and piles. Piles are indicative of unfinished and postponed decisions. Decisions are postponed often due to missing systems. Create a space and invest in the systems you need for support. Consider your furniture arrangement, the ‘bones’ of the room, your hardscapes (fixtures) and soft-scapes (accessories and arrangements).


Close The Door

If you can, find a separate room for working purposes only. It’s a convenient way to isolate yourself from the rest of the activities in the house while you focus on your work. When clients call, less noise creates a more professional environment.
Find a space that you can close the door, or at least separate from the family. It’s important for you to create a clear distinction between work and home. A real office location can help you focus and stay in a productive state of mind. When your office is no different from where you live, it’s impossible to get away from work. Virtually every single work-from-home professional says that unless you live alone, trying to work in the midst of the family is a recipe for inefficiency. You’ll give your work half the attention and twice the time it deserves.
It is difficult to focus on work in the flurry of family activities. And continually relocating work at dinnertime is a drag. Not only it is difficult to keep your work in order, but time lost trying to recover from interruptions is much more than you think. Studies show that people who shift tasks mid stream during work lose as much as 40% of their focus. Not to mention risking important details lost in transit.

Get Out Of The Flow

When we relocated, my husband chose to locate his home office on the first floor, just on the other side of the kitchen (hint: the major freeway/thoroughfare of our home). This was a nightmare. Not only for him due to the constant noise, distraction household activities and interruptions (kids are loud…) BUT – the entire family had to flex to this reality. I found myself constantly ‘shushing’ the kids – and trying to keep them quiet while they were in the house… It was very difficult to do because virtually all the activity that took place was simply on the other side of a door.
Your ideal home office location is an unused room (with a door) that’s not located on the main floor. As long as you have proper lighting, comfortable heat, electric and pleasant working space, the ideal solution could be anywhere. You just want to be sure you are in a space that gives you what I refer to as ‘juice’. You want to feel good in your workspace. A good feeling generates a higher vibration and better productivity

Invest In The Right Tools

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about running my business from my home office, is the value of having not only office supplies, computer and phone, but also things like a head set, a keyboard, a workable filing system and others that make a huge difference in your work environment. The right tool makes the job so much easier! What do you need to do your job that you may not have yet. Would the right software, online tool, or piece of hardware make a difference in your productivity? If so – invest in it!

Eliminate Distractions


Universally, people who work from home consider the biggest diffficulty to be managing around the sea of distractions available when working at home.
Some work-from-home parents like to have the office located where they can easily keep an eye on their children, even including a television so that on days the children are home from school they can join them in the office. BUT – working and caring for your children (unless you are a daycare center) are two things that do not go well together. You can’t really do one while doing the other… well. So, consider finding a wonderful care provider who can take full ownership of the kids and whisk them away from the house if necessary. It’s a tricky deal to try to do both things at one time.
The main thing you want to do is choose a place you will want to be. I’ve seen beautifully furnished offices going unused because they were too isolated, cold, or inconvenient, and the business owner ending up working somewhere else entirely.
If you can, work to eliminate distractions by planning your work day around your own body clock and bio rhythms. Create your schedule to coincide with high and low energy time in your body’s own clock. Plan work that requires concentration for a time when there’s less activity in the house. Use tools like timers, Do Not Disturb signs, and office hours to help family members know what your needs are and honor your boundaries.
If you need help managing your space to create a more productive environment, contact me to see if a Discovery Session is right for you! I coach somewhat successful mompreneurs and those still stuck at the start who struggle to manage their time, space and the systems they need to support their success. My clients learn how to manage their time, set up repeatable systems, and get more support so they can do their best work and love their lives again!

Copyright 2011-2012: Cena Block / Sane Spaces, LLC. Cena Block is the Mom-Preneur Clarity Catalyst, author of Getting It All Done and Time To Toss It, and creator of the Coaching Programs: AWAKE Manage Your Time to Love Your Life, ASPIRE to Get Organized & Sane, and Being AWESOME: Re-connecting, Rejuvenating and Re-launching Mom. Cena presents signature workshops and privately coaches mompreneurs and moms-on-pause to create sanity through managing their time, clearing their spaces, creating efficient systems, understanding themselves, and getting the support they need for their own success. Her Slice of Sanity eZine gives subscribers ideas and inspiration to get clear, take action in their businesses, and start living their lives on purpose.

If you are ready to get sane, you can
click here to sign up for a F.R.E.E. e-zine subscription to Slice of Sanity.

Like what you see? Want to help others get sane? Don't be shy... shout it from the rooftops. All you have to do is click on the icons above to share it with your circle! It's SOOOO sane!

Subscribe to Cena's RSS Feed

Thanks again to   at Sane Spaces
Here is a link to her fabulous site:  Sane Spaces


Friday, December 21, 2012

Accepting New Clients 1-1-13

Hello fellow small business owners,

My name is Julie and my Virtual Assistance Program is up and running!  I am so excited to be working with some of Lexington's greatest small businesses.  I want to take a quick moment to thank those of you who have already signed up for one of my Assistance On Demand packages, I look forward to working with each and every one of you to assist in any way that I can.

I would like to welcome anyone who owns/operates a small business here in Lexington and the surrounding cities to please contact me for a full detailed list of my services.  I would love to schedule a meeting with you to discuss your needs for the New Year.  I offer a wide range of services and believe it or not, Virtual Assistance can actually save your company money. ( I will be posting more about this in the coming days so keep checking back often.)

I have only a few spots left for new clients and would enjoy the opportunity to work with you and your company to make 2013 a great year for everyone.

Please share my new blog with your friends and associates that may be interested in hiring a Virtual Assistant.  I specialize in small business and will be posting more about the specific services that I offer to my clients, in the coming weeks.

Happy Holidays to everyone and wish the very best for you in the New Year,
